Sao Paulo

2019Sao Paulo

Japan House São Paulo

With an invitation from Japan House São Paulo, Architecture for Dogs was able to tour in Brazil. Although it is for dogs, this unique project has top-notch architects participating from around the world. With the additional participation of São Paulo Architect FGMF, Architecture for Dogs get further enrichment as an exhibition to enjoy architects’ talent. Please enjoy the exhibition as aninnovative architect show.

Sao Paulo

Exhibition Opens

JANUARY 19 – APRIL 7, 2019


Tuesday-Saturday 10am - 8pm Sunday/Holidays 10am - 6pm


Japan House São Paulo

Av. Paulista, 52 -Bela Vista, São Paulo -SP, 01310-000, BRASIL Green Line(Linha Verde) 5 minutes walk from Brigadeiro station


(+55) 11 3090 8900



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Sao Paulo